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pdf 4DKL onderzoek Haptotherapie (pilotonderzoek) ( pdf, 531 KB ) (1698 downloads) Populair
pdf Can haptotherapy reduce fear of childbirth (randomized controlled trial) (proefschrift) ( pdf, 1.25 MB ) (1833 downloads) Populair
pdf De Invloed van Haptotherapie op de Copingstijl van Werknemers met Nek- en Schouderklachten ( pdf, 887 KB ) (1591 downloads) Populair
pdf Definiëring en empirische toetsing van de eigenheid van Haptotherapie ( pdf, 23 KB ) (1044 downloads) Populair
pdf Evaluation of haptotherapy for patients with cancer treated with chemotherapy at a day clinic ( pdf, 2.37 MB ) (982 downloads) Populair
pdf Hapto educatie ( pdf, 114 KB ) (664 downloads) Populair
pdf Haptotherapy and crying, an exploratory study ( pdf, 300 KB ) (368 downloads) Populair
pdf Measuring patient well being, an exploratory study of the Haptotherapeutic Well Being Scale (HWS) ( pdf, 463 KB ) (308 downloads) Populair
pdf Richtlijn Haptotherapie bij Bevallingsangst, 2022-1 ( pdf, 164 KB ) (452 downloads) Populair
pdf Richtlijn Haptotherapie bij Chronische Pijn, 2022-1 ( pdf, 162 KB ) (553 downloads) Populair
pdf Satisfaction and specific and non specific therapy factors ( pdf, 347 KB ) (432 downloads) Populair
pdf The clinical effectiveness of haptotherapy in routine practices ( pdf, 296 KB ) (2843 downloads) Populair
pdf What is the effect of haptotherapy on patients with chronic pain ( pdf, 553 KB ) (534 downloads) Populair